Website Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

There’s a new version of the newsletter available in your email and on the web. Of course, that also means an update to the events page. Make sure you check it out to learn about the upcoming Underwear Drive, Shoe Distribution, and WICKs Lock-in! You can also find out more about our church’s Ministerial Search packet.

Also, there’s an update to the UUCC Pillar Chart available online. Looking at it really shows how much our church does!

I think everything that needed updated is updated. As always, if you have comments, suggestions, questions, etc., email me at!



Posted in Newsletter, Web Updates, WICKs.

Wow! A Website Update!

A combination of Winter Break and the Polar Vortex kept me away from the computer for the last few weeks, but now that everything is dug out, the kids are back to school, and my house is in slightly better shape, I’m finally tackling the website! Thanks everyone for your patience!

  1. Finally took down the Christmas decorations, including the Christmas Day Dinner banner.
  2. Added the past issues of the newsletter to the archive
  3. Finally updated the newsletter!
  4. Added all sorts of events to the calendar and events page. There’s a lot going on in the next couple of months!
  5. Got the front page all ready for Thirty Days of Love
  6. Changed up the front page slide-show to showcase some new ongoing events
  7. Updated the Nursery Volunteer Schedule

Thanks again for your patience! If you need anything, make sure to email or facebook me!

~ Chris


Posted in Newsletter, Web Updates.

The Future Direction of Creedo?

The Credo discussion group has been contemplating future topics which may include: workshops, Ted Videos, philosophy shorts and group-structured book exploration. Let us know which of these you would willing to participate in, or of any suggestions you might have.

We have also been discussing the possibility of either moving to or adding afternoon Credo, provided there is enough interest. It’s all “what if” right now but we’re very interested in stimulating new discussion.

Currently Credo hours are Sundays at 9 A.M., which is an hour before service.

Posted in Credo.

Website Weekly

I’m a day late on posting the newsletter, but here it is! Don’t forget about the Future Facilities Task Force meeting tonight at 6:30pm, as well as the Special Meeting next Sunday after the service! We’ll be discussing our expansion options, as well as the upcoming Capital Campaign.

Besides the Future Facilities meetings, there’s a whole bunch of upcoming events in the newsletter, including the 2nd Annual Chili Supper and Dessert auction and Parents’ Night Out. So, make sure to check it out!

Posted in Board, Minister Search Committee, Newsletter, Web Updates. Tagged with .

Welcome to Website Wednesday!

It’s Wednesday! Gotta update the website! There’s plenty of new stuff today, too. The big news of the day is that there’s going to be a special Future Facilities Meeting tonight from 6:30-9:30pm. If you’re interested in the building expansion, please try to attend! For more information, including plans for the expansion, check out the Future Facilities page!

Also, there’s going to be an HJR-6 Town Hall Meeting on Monday, November 4 at the Avon Town Hall from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. There’s more information on the Freedom Indiana Website. Hope to see a bunch of people there!

Besides those updates, I’ve been busy getting everything else up to date. There’s a lot going on in the next couple of months, so make sure to keep an eye on your email, our Facebook Page, and Twitter!

  1. The newsletter, which was already in your email inbox, is now also online. The old one has been moved to the archive where it belongs.
  2. Of course, along with the newsletter, I’ve also updated the Upcoming Events page. 🙂
  3. As I’ve already mentioned, the Future Facilities page has been updated with the new renovation options and information.
  4. The Christmas Day Dinner Page is all ready for this year’s news and updates. Get ready!
  5. Our Upcoming Sermons page has been updated for the next few months.

As always, if you have any bugs to report, questions to ask, or information to add to or about the website, email me at See you all next week!


Posted in LGBT, Newsletter, Web Updates.

Help Stop HJR-6

On September 8th, I had the opportunity to attend a planning meeting with Freedom Indiana at Life Journey Church in Indianapolis. The meeting was packed! At least 100 people were there, from Indy, Bloomington, and even further away. The energy in the room was awesome.

Freedom Indiana is a bipartisan group, run by Rick Sutton from IE Action. The board also includes delegates from Cummins Inc. and Eli Lily. Other partners include HRC, Freedom to Marry, American Unity Fund, the Gill Action Fund and the ACLU of Indiana. They are currently working here in Indiana to prevent HJR-6 from making it to the ballot in November.

So, what is HJR-6? HJR-6 is a two sentence bill that has been put forth in the Indiana General Assembly to amend the State Constitution to ban gay marriage. It has to pass the General Assembly twice, and then it would go on the ballot as a referendum. It’s already passed once, and they’re going to try again during the next session, which runs from Jan. 4 through March 15.

The problem is, not only does HJR-6 repeat our current state law against marriage equality and enshrine it in the Constitution, but it also states that “A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized.” Unfortunately, no one knows how broadly that second sentence would be enforced. Obviously, it means that there couldn’t be Civil Unions or Domestic Partnerships in our state, but does it extend as far as same-sex partner benefits for state employees? No one is sure.

Either way, this is the tenth year that Indiana has fought against this type of amendment, and we want to stop it in it’s tracks once and for all. In order to stop it in the General Assembly, it either needs to be voted down or the clock has to run out for the session. If it does pass the General Assembly, it’ll be on the ballot for the mid-term elections in November 2014, which would give us only 8 months to educate people in the whole state about why HJR-6 is not cool.

The good news is that some legislators have already decided to change their vote this session because they’ve learned how damaging this amendment would be. Others, including our newly elected local State Senator, Peter Miller, can possibly be swayed. If enough people call and write their legislators, then they’ll realize how seriously people are taking this possible infringement on basic LGBT rights.

So, by now, hopefully you’re wondering how you can help…

  1. Most importantly, you can go to, find your district, and call your representatives! If you’re not sure what to say, simply give the person your name, where you’re from, and tell them something like “I’m calling to ask {my representative} to vote no on HJR-6 during the next session. It’s not only redundant, but it’s discriminatory and wrong. We don’t need discrimination in our State Constitution.”
  2. If you’re like me and don’t like phones very much, you can write them a letter! UUCC will be hosting letter writing parties after service, or you can contact me at any time for help writing and sending a letter to your legislator. If we can bury them in letters, they won’t be able to ignore us!
  3. After you’ve written to your representatives, write a Letter to the Editor! The more people we can inform about HJR-6, the more letters and phone calls our reps. will get.
  4. While we’re at it, talk to your friends, your neighbors, your family…anyone you know who you think can contact their representatives. If you need help talking to people about HJR-6, FairTalk has a resource page with both HJR-6 talking points and tips for talking to people about contentious issues like marriage equality.
  5. Finally, if you have the time, contact Freedom Indiana to volunteer. They’ll be hosting phone banks in Indianapolis to contact voters about HJR-6 and can always use more help!

I’ll see you all Sunday at church! I’ll have my letter writing stuff with me if anyone wants to get started. Thank you for Standing on the Side of Love and working with us to Stop HJR-6!


email us:


Posted in LGBT, Social Justice.

The Weekly Web

There’s big news on the website today! The fight here in Indiana against HJR 6 is heating up, and the Social Justice LGBT page has been updated to give you all the information you could need to help! Keep an eye out for more updates, including letter writing parties at our church!

In addition to the SJC updates, the newsletter has been updated and the latest news from the Ministerial Search Committee is available, including information on their upcoming workshop in January.

Have a wonderful week!




Posted in Minister Search Committee, Newsletter, Social Justice, Web Updates.

Website Weekly–Mega Update Edition

So, I have a bunch of little stuff to do this week, and some not-so-little stuff as well, so this is going to be a long list!

  1. I know it’s not on the website, but I created a bunch of @uucchc email addresses for board members and a few others. I’m also putting an email address directory on the website 🙂 If you or your committee needs a spot on the directory, or needs an email address, make sure to contact me!
  2. Thanks to Jim Ferrell for uploading a whole bunch of past sermons to the server. They’re now available at
  3. The Worship Committee has updated their list of upcoming sermons, and so have I!
  4. The Committee pages have been reorganized to make it easier to find things.
  5. Made a few minor aesthetic changes to the website to make links easier to distinguish from topic headers.

I still have a bunch more to do, including a rework of the Social Justice Page, but I think I’m done for tonight. As always, if you run into any bugs or need help, drop me an email at!

Posted in Minister Search Committee, Sunday Sermons, Web Updates.

Credo this Month

We’ve been having a fascinating discussion on Reproductive Justice, led by Sue Pittman. If you’re interested, why not come join us!

Posted in Credo.

Website Wednesday

Oh, I am so excited! Today, I can finally unveil the “secret project” that I mentioned over the last couple of posts! Without further ado, I present the Ministerial Search Committee page, your one-stop shop to find out everything about our search for a settled minister.

Of course, that’s not all I did this week:

  1. Updated WordPress to the most recent version to make sure this blog stays up and running.
  2. The newsletter is now ready to go in your email and on the website.
  3. The events page has, of course, been updated as well.
  4. Updated the Bios page for our board members.
  5. Made a few updates on the Upcoming Services page
  6. Added April Lashbrook’s 8/4 sermon the the downloadable sermons page

And, I think that just about covers it! Don’t forget to check out the new Ministerial Search Committee Page, and, as always, if you need anything involving the website, UUCC Facebook page, or calendar, don’t hesitate to email me at

Posted in Minister Search Committee, Newsletter, Web Updates.