Category Archives: Web Updates

That Ah Ha! Moment By Marti McCoy

Every teacher recognizes the “ah ha moment” on a student’s face.  An art teacher’s experience goes one step beyond – when they’ve achieved that “right side of the brain” status that was popularized by the Betty Edwards’ 1979 book entitled Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  It’s that verbal-and-analytic-ignoring “nirvana” when an artist slips over into a world of lines, spaces, relationships, lights and shadows.

Although Edwards had her detractors in brain science, artists were quick to line up in her defense.  Many adult artists even call their creative hours therapeutic.  One of my new Saturday Morning Painters said just last week that she’d never had three hours go by so rapidly.  It takes you away from the chatter and drama of everyday life and offers a restful

Lil' Painter by Marti McCoy

Lil’ Painter by Marti McCoy – “This pensive little girl is just a representation of the “right side of the brain” look my students often got.”

place for the mind.  Ever think about why patients in mental wards are quickly offered art materials to express the emotions and turmoil they are feeling?  What that opportunity presents is a few minutes or hours away from , or purge of,  their problems.

It is pure joy for an art teacher to see the light go on when a child realizes why and how a famous artist has achieved a mood or expressed an idea that solves a question in their own minds.  One day at the Indianapolis Museum of Art I saw two of my fourth graders explain a rather abstract painting to a group of visitors from the Netherlands.  I, and the visitors, were so pleased and excited to view the work through the eyes of youngsters and see exactly what the artist had in mind.

Creativity brings such joy to both the creator and the viewer that it holds a very special place in every culture.  There is not even a word for “art” in some cultures, because everything they do is “an art!”


Posted in Web Updates.

Look at these questions – Creativity

Look at the questions. See if you find one that grabs you. Stick with it for a while. Let your mind wonder. Listen with openness to what surfaces. Explore other possibilities. Share what you have learned with another.



  1. What does it mean to be a Creative person?
  2. What are out of the box ways to be creative?
  3. what inspires me?
  4. What way can i be ish? (be creative without worries about perfection)
  5. what method of expressing myself do i love?
  6. What are ways of being creative i have yet to try?
  7. what are creative solutions to world problems?
  8. If I could have any superpower what would it be and why?
  9. How can I step outside my comfort zone today?
  10. what would it be like to be a child?
  11. what would i create if i had an unlimited budget?
  12. How can I feed my creativity?
  13. How can I make something i don’t enjoy (exercise, chores, etc..) fun?
  14. pick a personal or sociatal problem andthink of a different creative way to solve it every day.
  15. What is my current creative attitude?
  16. try to walk in the footsteps of someone who disagrees with you.
  17. How can i take a different route than USUALL? (think of different ways to understand this).
  18. Find a list of ways to be creative and do one thing each day.
Posted in Web Updates.

Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry

Love the quick profit, the annual raise,
vacation with pay. Want more
of everything ready-made. Be afraid
to know your neighbors and to die.

And you will have a window in your head.
Not even your future will be a mystery
any more. Your mind will be punched in a card
and shut away in a little drawer.

When they want you to buy something
they will call you. When they want you
to die for profit they will let you know.
So, friends, every day do something
that won’t compute. Love the Lord.
Love the world. Work for nothing.
Take all that you have and be poor.
Love someone who does not deserve it.

Posted in Web Updates.

Out of the Stars by Robert Weston

Out of the stars in their flight, out of the dust of eternity,
here have we come,
Stardust and sunlight,
mingling through time and through space.

Out of the stars have we come,
up from time.
Out of the stars have we come.

Time out of time before time
in the vastness of space,
earth spun to orbit the sun,
Earth with the thunder of mountains newborn,
the boiling of seas.

Earth warmed by sun, lit by sunlight;
This is our home;
Out of the stars have we come.

Mystery hidden in mystery,
back through all time;
Mystery rising from rocks
in the storm and the sea.

Out of the stars, rising from rocks
and the sea,
kindled by sunlight on earth,
arose life.

Ponder this thing in your heart,
life up from sea:
Eyes to behold, throats to sing,
mates to love.

Life from the sea, warmed by sun,
washed by rain,
life from within, giving birth,
rose to love.

This is the wonder of time;
this is the marvel of space;
out of the stars swung the earth;
life upon earth rose to love.

This is the marvel of life,
rising to see and to know;
Out of your heart, cry wonder:
sing that we live.

Posted in Web Updates.

Inspirational Quotes – Creativity


“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.” – Pablo Picasso

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”  – Albert Einstein

“Creativity takes courage.”   – Henri Matisse

 “An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.” – Oscar Wilde

 “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”  – Martha Graham

“The question is not if we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Posted in Web Updates.

Family section

A family that creates together, has fun together!

Interested in raising creative children? Then it’s time for you to play along! Research shows that children tend to be more creative if they see their parents participate in creative activities as well. Below are a few ideas, but there are many books on instilling creativity in the home!

Instead of pulling out the art supplies and paper for your child, pull up a seat and join in the fun! Allow children to create masterpieces from a variety of materials. Side note: if your children are into coloring books, and you’re not into the latest Spiderman or LalaLoopsy books, you can find a great line of thematic coloring books- such as Henna tattoos, paisley prints, flowers, and fashion, over at Michaels. Coloring with older children can be a great way to open the lines of communication in a relaxing environment.

Build something together! Get out the hammer and nails and create something- either a design of your own or follow plans. Stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot also have kid-friendly classes too! Don’t be afraid to show your children how to fix things around the house. Not only is it practical, but it shows real-life problem solving strategies.

Praise your child when you see him/her using creative problem solving skills. Role play creative ways to work through difficult situations.

Try new foods! Cook together and experiment by trying a new twist on your family’s favorite recipes. Having an ethnic food night? Pull up appropriate music to match and dance along!

– By Renee Bowman


Posted in Web Updates.

Welcome to Creativity

There are so many ways to be creative in our lives. We all know that people who engage in music, written and visual arts are creative. And yet creativity is about so much more than that.

Creativity calls us to step outside of the way we have done things before. Creativity helps us to problem solve in new ways. In the story that was the center of our first service this month the children of the town addressed their concern by being silly rather than mean.

Creativity is essential as we address the problems in this world. It is a skill that allows us to consider the other side. It allows us to look at a variety of ways to address problems until we find what works.

As you look at this packet you’ll notice many elements. The purpose is to help all of us explore each topic in a variety of ways. Near the end there are questions. I invite you to consider one or more questions as you go through the month.

I am pleased that a few people contributed this month. I hope as time goes on you will contribute songs, artwork, poems, music and books or your own thoughts on the theme of the month.


In Faith –

Rev. Jennifer Gray

Posted in Web Updates.

Website Wednesday, Here we come!

Hello everyone!

Guess what today is? Yep, time for your web updates. So, without further ado….

  1. If you haven’t checked your email yet, there’s a really spiffy new version of the newsletter waiting in your inbox! Of course, you can still find the regular version at or download the pdf here.
  2. There’s tons of upcoming events, including the First Annual No Talent Necessary Talent Show and an exciting Key’s, Strings, and Other Things, featuring The Half Step Sisters. You can keep track of these and more by checking out the events page or online calendar.
  3. Are you registered to vote? Are you sure? To find out, and for more information on Voting on the Side of Love, check out the resources at or to learn more about voting rights, visit
  4. Want to know what’s coming up next Sunday? Check out the list of upcoming sermons at
  5. Did you know that you can listen to past sermons on our website? You can find them at There’s also an RSS feed in the works 🙂

There’s a lot of great things in the works! Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date!

Until Next Time!


Posted in Newsletter, Web Updates.

I’m Finally Back

Well, after a couple of very busy weeks and a short, but awesome vacation, I’m finally back and better than ever! So, Sorry about the delays folks, but I have plenty of tasty new content for you today!

  1. Calendar updates galore! All the upcoming RE events to prepare for Fall, the pool party, and more!
  2. Yep, I finally got around to updating the newsletter.
  3. In the better late than never corner, a whole bunch of pictures of the Annual Service Auction have been posted to our Facebook Page. Thanks Faye and Jesi!
  4. I even managed to update the list of upcoming sermons! Rev. Jennifer Gray’s first sermons is this Sunday!

So, as always, if you need to add anything to the website, or you have questions/comments/suggestions/complaints, drop me an email at and I’ll get to it as soon as I can. Have a great week!

Posted in Newsletter, Web Updates.

Website Wednesday

It’s been a long few weeks, and I got a bit behind on updates. So, there’s lots of new stuff for you this week!

  1. The newsletter has been updated, as has the upcoming events and calendar
  2. Information and a timeline for our church’s upcoming renovations are available at
  3. Click here to learn all about our new minister, Jenn Gray, who was unanimously called by our congregation on May 5
  4. Do you want to be in a parade? A group of Central Indiana UU Congregations are trying to expand our presence at Indy Pride. Click here to join the parade, the cheering section, or help out at the booth!

Thanks again for all your patience! See you next week!

Posted in LGBT, Minister Search Committee, Newsletter, Social Justice, Web Updates.