Speaker: Annie Johnson

Town Hall

purchase Lyrica from canada State of the church – March 17th service We have a lot going on at church these days. Growth, confusion, excitement, new things going on, new ideas coming up, confusion. We feel like we are at that awkward stage where we have lots of ideas, but can’t figure out how to make them happen. So … Continue reading Town Hall

Connections and Reciprocity: Roots, Leaves, Trees….and Churches

buy generic cytotec online no prescription We all have two basic needs. Everyone needs to fit in, but everyone also needs to stick out. We fit in like trees have roots – for stability, to share nuturance with one another, for connection, communication, even reciprocity. But we also stick out like trees have limbs – for support, leaves to sense what … Continue reading Connections and Reciprocity: Roots, Leaves, Trees….and Churches

Just Be Kind

We’ve all seen the Just Be Kind signs around. For this service, we will be asking you to share your own acts or experiences, or observed, in person or on media, of people being kind. We will have the projector set up if you want to share a video. And we will also have a … Continue reading Just Be Kind

Good Vibrations

From Music to Earthquakes to the tides to running up stairs, vibrations are everywhere!

Transgender History

Cross gender behaviors are ubiquitous across history and culture. There is evidence of cross gender behavior from depictions in art between 7000 and 1700 BC, cross dressing priests in ancient Greece, and Pagan celebrations around the beginning of the 10th century involving cross dressing. The French Diplomat, Royal Censor, Ambassador, Spy, hero in the seven years war and … Continue reading Transgender History