Speaker: Rev Joel Tishken

Article 2

The Article 2 Commission spent the past several years creating proposed changes to Article 2 of the UUA by-laws. Article 2 contains our purposes, principles, and sources. Rev. Joel will explain what changes are proposed, and why. The service will have time for discussion too.

(no service this week)

Join us for a time of individual and congregational introspection, renewal, and fellowship. The retreat will feature morning and afternoon sessions of 90 minutes each, with a potluck lunch between.

Goal Getting

With a new year upon us, join us as we consider techniques and options, pitfalls and practices in setting and working toward goals.

Magic of Christmas

Paraphrasing the words of poet Robert Frost, one of the heart’s greatest devotions is to be the shore, holding the curve of your position, counting the endless repetition of the waves. When and how should we consider applying this sort of loving endurance and persistence?