Speaker: Joel Tishken

20,000 Interactions

Hisor Even the briefest of interactions impact our relationships, productivity, and well-being. Together we’ll explore the potential and power of positivity using wisdom from the #1 best-selling book _How Full is Your Bucket?_ Aly Ritter and Sam Carman are the musicians.

Living Regret Free: Wisdom from the Dying

Zagreb - Centar Best-selling book Top Five Regrets of the Dying, written by hospice nurse Bronnie Ware, discusses the common themes dying peoples shared with Ware about their lives. Together we’ll explore their wisdom for what it can teach us about living well and regret free. Musicians are Aly Ritter and Sam Carman.

First Nations Last

The state of peoples of First Nations, particularly those living on reservations, is tragic. By every social and economic measure, First Nations are last in our country. Our UU values call us to act. Together we’ll explore some ways that we can be allies to First Nations. Skylark and Larry Prather are musicians.

Rooting around in Our Ashes

All of our lineages have experienced moments of trauma that altered the lives of our ancestors and scorched our family tree. What might we find among those ashes that could be meaningful for us today? Together we’ll explore Lithuanian culture to illustrate one such journey of ancestral rediscovery. Musician is Sam Carman.

(title unknown)

Musicians are Skylark and Larry Prather. Coffee hour hosts are Larry and Skylark Prather.

(title unknown)

Joel is M.Div, Sabbatical minister at UU Church of Muncie, a former history professor with a specialty in religion. Musician is Sam Carman. Coffee hour hosts are Eileen Alexander and Erin Kimble.

Religions of Africa

The number of variants of Christianity has grown as the demographic weight of Christianity tipped toward the global South. Come learn about the amaNazaretha, a church of the African Reformation, and what it might teach us regarding our cultural narratives about religion. Joel is a M.Div, Sabbatical Minister at UU Church of Muncie, and former … Continue reading Religions of Africa