order Gabapentin online reddit Welcome to Religious Exploration! UUCC is a place that welcomes all children and youth, just as it welcomes adults. In fact, we have some of the same goals, and this year, will even be exploring the same themes together!

cytotec generic sale You can expect that our program will include learning opportunities to grow spiritually through ancient ideas and current thinking. You’ll see art, music, kinesthetics, and reasoning. You’ll see primary and secondary religious texts alongside current best sellers. You’ll hear the occasional YouTube clip, laughter, questioning, and imaginative play. You’ll notice caring teachers, nurturing a sense of wonder. You’ll see children given choices and respect.

Through it all, you’ll see examples of our 7 Unitarian Universalist Principles:

UU Principles

We rely on enthusiastic trained staff as well as creative and innovative adults in the church to make our program succeed. If you’re curious, we hope you’ll join us for a few Sundays to check out the atmosphere or to ask us questions! Let us shine a light on the path of your young person. Let us explore religion together, rather than dictate what to believe. Join us!

Our Coordinator of Religious Exploration, Sarah Montminy, is a member of the Professional Staff

Volunteer Registration Form

Family Registration Form