Christmas Dinner Toy Collections

Please bring your Toy Donations to church this Sunday THROUGH December 14th or if you have difficulty getting them to church in a timely manner you can contact Faye Ferrell 201-7552 or Sherry Zerbe 718-7249 and we can make arrangements for pick up.

We will accept new or CLEAN, GENTLY used UNWRAPPED toys for Newborn to 12 years old. We often do not have adequate items for babies and older children. Babies can use diapers, wet wipes board books, rattles, rubber duckies, pull toys, stacking toys, soft balls and the like.

Preschool/kindergarten kids love cars and trucks, baby dolls and accessories, wooden puzzles, building blocks etc. Suggestions for older children: Regulation sized balls, Cosmetic Gift boxes, Journals, Picture Frames, Wallets, Watches, Advanced Puzzles, Strategy games, Scarves/gloves/hats; Gift Certificates (Best Buy/Half Price Books/Barnes and Noble, etc).

One more important note:  We will be collecting wrapping paper and tape on every Sunday between now and December 14.  At this time, all parents appear to be interested in selecting their children’s gifts and, therefore, there may be no gifts to wrap on the following Sunday.  Therefore, please bring in your wrapping paper donations early so we can provide these items to parent.

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