Splinters from the Board

purchase gabapentin Your UUCCHC board has been working hard to make sure that our services continue to run and that we are prepared to open the church when the time is right. Here are a few things that the board needs you to know :

  • Mark your calendars for the annual meeting scheduled for April 24. We need as much as much participation as possible as we will be voting on next years budget and two open board positions and will need a quorum in order to do so. 
  •  If you think you might be interested in being on the board, we suggest you attend one or both of the next two board meetings and you can get an idea of what being on the board is like. They are the second Sunday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. If you think you know someone who might be interested in being on the board or want to nominate someone for the board, encourage them to attend one of these upcoming meetings, and also let us know who you are nominating. We will have two positions up for election. Please notify any of the current board members of your or anyone else’s interest. 
  • Prepare yourselves for our annual pledge drive that will begin soon. We will need pledges in order to prepare the budget for next year.   More to come. 
  • As the board prepares for reopening and hybrid services, we are looking for volunteers to help with running the technology for our hybrid services. The more people we have, the less you have to commit. You don’t have to be a tech genius, we will train you.