Speaker: Marissa Farrell

One of Many

is it legal to buy Clomiphene online With autism being such a broad topic, we will discuss in depth a couple of the main components. Marissa will share her own perspective, which is one of many on the spectrum, on delayed processing and executive dysfunction. There will be a visual presentation along with an interactive video.

My Journey in UU

http://venturearchitecture.com/my-new-normal-venture-architecture-founder-martin-goldstein/ Each of us are engaged in our own “free and responsible search for truth and meaning” – but those unique searches led us to some interaction with Unitarian Universalism and the UUCCHC. Members Marissa Farrell and Sue Pittman will share about their own spiritual and/or religious journeys that led to UU and why UU’s values … Continue reading My Journey in UU