Chalice Lighters

Chalice Lighters gives grants to UU congregations for a variety of purposes. Each Region has a separate Chalice Lighter program. The grants are funded by members of churches who have committed to making a donation to Chalice Lighters three time a year, for a Fall, Winter, and Spring call. Suggested donations are $20 – Believer, $50 – Builder, $100 – Benefactor and $250 – Beacon, but you can give any amount you choose. They give one grant of over $10,000 each call plus several $1,000 grants. We currently have 9 people donating to Chalice Lighters, but we would like to have more. We are hoping to get a Chalice Lighter Grant to help us make the Fellowship Hall and RE area ADA accessible. Please use this link to sign up to be a Chalice Lighter!