Out of the Ashes

La Cruz … A Ritual for Cleansing and Renewal. This Sunday we will adapt our annual Out of the Ashes ritual for online participation.  We will think about what from 2020 we would like to leave behind and what we can take with us as we look ahead to a new year.  Most years, we do this communally but this year, we will each have to do it from our homes.

http://davidpisarra.com/ Participants are asked to have paper available to write their list of what they want to leave in the past.  This can be normal paper, scrap paper, or paper that symbolizes something about 2020 (toilet paper?  A printout of an email from your child’s teacher?   Picture of a politician you will be glad to see out of office, etc.

Think about how you would like to symbolically cleanse yourself of that aspect of 2020 (Burn it?  Bury it? Flush it?  Rip it into tiny pieces and blow it into the wind? Etc.) and have what you need nearby.  We will destroy them together and then make plans for a better 2020. Please have paper available to record your hopes for renewal.

(Due to the pandemic, we are meeting online rather than in person. Check your email or our private Facebook group for the Zoom meeting ID and password. If you are not on our email list, please contact our minister for this information: minister@uucchc.org)

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